Dark Days Book 1

Weaponized rabies and power hungry politicians make for a deadly combination. Zombies roam the earth. Three families stand to lose everything.
An obsessed megalomaniac dumps weaponized rabies around the globe creating the zombie apocalypse.
As the cataclysm spreads, three families search for safety, or risk becoming part of the bloodbath. Randi Martinez, a carpenter hired to build a fortress in the Texas Hill Country, determines to take her family there when the infection ravages San Antonio. Will she find solace for her tortured soul if she can save her family?
Scientist Reginald Barker and his family set out from Silver Penny, Colorado. He fights his way toward the Texas Hill Country to save his family and redeem himself for the chaos he created.
Joshua Barker an Austin Homicide Detective is determined to fulfill his responsibility to protect his brother, as he strives to reach his uncle's home in the Hill Country.
An altered strain of rabies that turns its victims into Zombies has been unleashed turning the world into chaos and leaving three families to fend for themselves and try to stay alive.
When scientist Reginald Barker develops a deadly strain of rabies, he doesn’t have any idea it will be released around the world and turn people into zombies, but he fears what could happen if it winds up in the wrong hands and has a special fortress built in Texas to keep his family safe. When the outbreak happens, he takes his family and tries to get to safety, a task that is not as easy as he hoped it would be. The contractor he hired, Randi Martinez, knows it is not her property but sees Barker’s development as the only safe place to take her family. Reginald’s nephews also know about the compound and head that way to stay safe. All three families are in a fight to stay alive and ease the torture they feel for different reasons.
Normally for me, a book about Zombies would not be a go to for me. I have nothing against them, just not my usual read. Contagion was an incredibly enjoyable read that left me foaming at the mouth for more. The story was fast and strong with so much that I enjoyed. The characters were all written in a way that made them relatable and easy to want to see them succeed. Even the characters it was obvious that were not meant to be liked were written in such a way I enjoyed reading about them. The story itself had a good message behind it of hope and redemption even when things look their darkest. Dyer did an excellent job with this story and I can’t wait to see what the next installment has to offer. I recommend this to readers that enjoy a thriller with a heart to the story, and enjoying reading about zombies won’t hurt either.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.